Three Ways to Cope with Your Wife's Menopause
Menopause is not an easy phase for a woman to go through, but it is important to note that she is not the only one who suffers during this difficult time. Her husband also suffers, as he has to deal with a wife who is moody, short-tempered, and even physically ill.
If your wife has never been pregnant and/or you have never been around a teen girl, then you are in for the surprise of your life as you see the havoc that how changing hormonal levels can wreak a woman's body.
However, today there are many effective ways to cope with menopausal symptoms, including medications and lifestyle changes. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind to do well during your wife's menopause.
Remember it Won't Last Forever
The menopause is not a disease or a condition; it is a normal part of a woman's life. However, one thing you need to understand that the menopause is a profound life change for a woman, because it affects both physically and emotionally.
To start with, you should remember that it is just a natural biological process and this difficult phase would not last forever. What you should understand that your wife's hormone levels are changing but she will adjust to her new self, though it may take some time.
Interestingly, certain health conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can have a direct impact on the menopausal process. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that can trigger irregular periods and other symptoms due to elevated levels of androgens (male hormones). As your wife transitions into menopause, these hormonal imbalances might lead to different experiences of menopausal symptoms. Knowledge about conditions like PCOS can provide more context and understanding as your wife navigates her menopause journey.
Remembering that this is simply a testing stage in your marriage (as opposed to the new, long-term reality) will help you to have the patience you need to deal with your wife. So take a deep breath, hold on tight, and remember, this too shall pass.
Natural Nutritional Supplements Can Help

Hot flashes, disturbed sleep, night sweats, urinary problems, moodiness, and problems in focusing often arise as the symptoms of menopause or perimenopause. For a woman, these symptoms are unpleasant and difficult to manage.
The conventional treatment usually offers hormone therapy (HT) as a solution to the problem. However, it provides only short-term benefits. In the long run, HT may increase the risk of breast cancer, stroke, blood clots and heart disease.
Alternatively, there are many natural remedies are available in the market to help cope with the menopausal symptoms. Phyto-estrogens, soy based products, black cohosh, and red raspberry are just a few ingredients used in natural estrogen pills and nutritional supplements. These products have been shown to help improve mood and reduce perimenopausal effects.
Be Nice to Your Wife
Being nice is one of the best ways to cope with your wife's menopausal symptoms. If you think that handling mood swings is difficult, just wait until your wife gets angry with you for saying or doing something insensitive.
If you say something that hurts your wife's feelings, apologize. This is the best course of action, even if you do not think that you were at fault. If your wife wants to vent her emotions, listen to her. If your wife is crying over something that you feel is no big deal, keep your feelings to yourself and be there to comfort her.
At the same time, be proactive. Because not just a woman's mind and emotions that changes during menopause, her body also undergoes changes. She may feel that menopause will make her less attractive. Tell your wife how much you love her, find things to compliment her on and bring her flowers or a small gift on occasion.
Take your wife out on dates as and when you have the time. If you are nice to your wife, she will be better able to cope with menopause than she would have been otherwise. This will enable you to get through this difficult time as well.
Talk to Your Doctor for Help
Offering medical support to your wife isn't about seeking cosmetic procedures to keep her looking forever young. Instead, it's about helping her navigate uncomfortable issues such as hot flashes or sleepless nights.
Thankfully, there's a range of treatment options to help manage typical menopausal symptoms. Estrogen pills, sleep aids, or therapy sessions could provide some much-needed relief.
Have a conversation with your wife about these possibilities. If she's comfortable with it, accompany her to doctor's appointments to discuss professional advice and suggestions. Motivate her to adopt healthier lifestyle habits too.
Encourage her to get into a regular exercise routine or experiment with healthier eating habits. For instance, she could explore the Mediterranean diet or a raw food diet as nutritious options. And of course, motivate her to spend quality time with loved ones.
Final Thoughts
Let's be real - grappling with your wife's menopause isn't going to be a walk in the park. But with these tips, you can make this pivotal stage in your marriage a tad easier. Simply put, a husband who genuinely supports his wife during this challenging time will not only make menopause easier for her but also for himself. Remember, when she wins, you both win!
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